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    By Glennon Doyle

    In this memoire of a feminist on a path to self-discovery, Glennon explores what the world around her looks and most importantly, feels like. Glennon has a talent of putting words to feelings that are deep, sometimes messy and nonetheless, completely courageous.

    “The opposite of sensitive is not brave. It’s not brave to refuse to pay attention, to refuse to notice, to refuse to feel and know and imagine. The opposite of sensitive is insensitive, and that’s no badge of honor.”

    By Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski

    I highly recommend “Burnout” to all my female identifying clients. Emily’s book reads like you are in a fascinating lecture, full of helpful information on how to thrive in a world that pushes “Human Givers” to emotional exhaustion.

    Gifts of Imperfection
    By Brene Brown

    How can one be a Therapist and not recommend “Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown. Brene knows shame, through her own experiences and through her research. I “whole-heartedly” recommended anything by her. Brene is smart, funny and ultimately relatable.