Welcome, Highly Sensitive People
Posted: November 10, 2021
"The more upset we are by a mistake, the more we think about it and will be able to avoid it the next time. The more delighted we are by a success, the more we think and talk about it and how we did it, causing us to be more likely to be able to repeat it.” ― Elaine N. Aron, The Highly Sensitive Person
Welcome to Haven Therapy, Highly Sensitive People.
It seems appropriate for the first blog to start by quoting Elaine Aron, as she is one of the world's leading experts on Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and her research on this trait is extensive. HSP's represent about 15-20% of the world's population but make up a far greater percentage of clients in therapy. Haven Therapy seeks to honour the experience of being an HSP by creating a warm and welcoming environment. Being an HSP is a unique and yet, sometimes challenging experience. Uncomfortable feelings, like shame, guilt or fear are all felt at a deeper level for HSP's but so is the JOY! Exploring the HSP's "think first" tendency helps address the overstimulation that can come with all of the noticing, that just naturally happens for them, as they move through the world. HSP's see and feel it all and benefit from specialized strategies that protect and honour their sensory experience. So, Welcome HSP's! Haven Therapy is here to, see + hear + support you, by honouring your unique experiences. Above all, helping you see that sensitivity is your SUPERPOWER